We will make every effort to maintain accurate and concise information. If however an issue arises which appears to portray false or misleading information, HOCO Enterprises will research the problem, verify validity with experts, and make any necessary changes in the Hobby or Collectable area in question. "Help wanted" and "For Sale" advertisements from non-HOCO personnel are excluded.
HOCO Enterprises is not responsible in any way for use of its information for profit or loss. All historical information presented either by this web site or in person is purely for educational purposes.
Recommendations or web links to other products or services provided by HOCO Enterprises, other than endorsement, does not represent these products or services in any way. Any endorsements from HOCO Enterprises will be in writing for verification.
All used parts sold on the behalf of HOCO Enterprises are sold on an "as-is" basis. HOCO Enterprises is not responsible for installation, use, or misuse of new or used products.
HOCO Enterprises is not responsible for any implication in quality of products or services advertised by persons other than employees of HOCO Enterprises.